The Francis Framework | Teaching & Learning at SFdS

At St Francis de Sales, we believe it is every student’s right to experience growth in their learning. Our approach is informed by the principles of multi-tiered systems for supporting the academic, behavioural, communication, engagement, health and wellbeing needs of all learners.

Universal quality instruction for all Targeted support Intensive support
Whole class research-based core instruction. Screening, assessment, academic, and pro-social supports are provided to all learners. Targeted supports or evidence-based interventions are provided to students in addition to Tier 1 supports. Students who require more explicit instruction or support are assessed using targeted assessments. Intensive interventions or supports. Specialised assessments and individualised instruction is provided to students requiring intensive supports.

The three tiers are not discrete or separate but interconnected. They are offered with the required intensity and frequency to support the needs of all students, whether below year level, at year level, or above year level, and regardless of complex learning needs. As a school, we have developed clear, whole-school practices for identifying and meeting these needs. In all areas, we strive to:

  • Create timely opportunities for varied and purposeful assessment
  • Use evidence-based teaching practices that are informed by student data
  • Develop quality curriculum that is inclusive of the needs of all learners, and
  • Create and maintain a culture of excellence

Our core curriculum is comprised of Literacy, Mathematics, Education in Faith, and Inquiry, underpinned by positive education practices that support the wellbeing of learners in all areas.

Leader of Learning & Innovation |Amelia Morse