
Within every Maths lesson, we develop meaningful, authentic learning in accordance with the areas of Mathematics outlined in the Victorian Curriculum: Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, and Statistics & Probability. Understanding the importance of key ideas, such as; Trusting the Count, Place Value and Multiplicative Thinking to underpin the planning and implementation of Maths in the classroom.

At St Francis de Sales, Mathematics learning is a priority for daily instruction. Lessons are structured to support whole-class explicit instruction, targeted teaching groups, and whole class lesson closure, with a focus on developing mathematical vocabulary and problem solving skills.

Mathematics aims to ensure that students:

  • Are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics able to investigate, analyse, represent and interpret situations in their lives
  • Are engaged in a structured 1 hour mathematics lesson daily where a variety of school based assessments are used to monitor student learning, identifying needs and plan for focused teaching

Mathematics Curriculum Leader | Kerry Dougherty